The Troposphere

Pen Spinning Website

Extreme Pen Spinning/Advanced Tricks

Extreme Pen Spinning/Advanced Pen Spinning Tricks List

The most Extreme Pen Spinning & Advanced Pen Spinning Tricks are presented below. Some of these Pencil Spinning tricks can be slowed down, and can serve as visual Pen Spinning Tutorials. The first Pen Spinning video on this page is a collection of some tricks that are presented on this website, such as Backaround and Infinity. More at my YouTube (nhk 9 Pen Spinning) Page.

Pen: Zebra 3000*F

Simple Pen Spinning Tricks can be done with any pen. I use a pen that requires no modification (i.e. "pen mods" or "pen modding"). Pen Spinning is a beautiful hand sport because it can be done anywhere pens are found.

Photo for your Enjoyment: Twelve Apostles, Victoria, Australia

Extreme Pen Spinning Combos & Tricks

eXtreme Pen Spinning Combos

3 Extreme Pen Spinning Combos (very difficult)

Hard Pen Spinning Combo

The most difficult Pen Spinning combo in The Troposphere: 5x Continuous Original (Weissian) Backarounds 2.0, technically a Backspin 2.0. No other video of this exists on YouTube.

9 Extreme Pen Tricks

Pen Spinning Promotional Video 2

Extreme Pen Spinning: Cont. Backtap

Extreme Pencil Spinning Trick: 7 Spins

This is an extremely hard trick to do with a real pencil. Some other videos that you see on the Internet are done with pens as long as drumsticks/chopsticks. This is done with a normal-sized pencil, which adds to the difficulty.

Extreme Pen Trick: Backtap Harmonic

BakTap Reverse and BakTap Harmonic (Combo) are both Troposphere Original inventions.

Extreme Pen Trick: Backtap Har. (2)

Extreme Pen Spinning - Counters

ThumbAround Normal, Thumb-Tap Reverse, Thumb-Tap Counter-Move, Fingerless Semi Reverse, Backaround 1.5, Half-Tap, Reverse Thumbaround 1.5, Side-Spin Normal, Variation of Corkscrew

The beginning of this freestyle combo features the Kaiwen Zhang's (aka Zombo) concept of the Counter-Move. In simple words, the Counter-Move is a type of trick that reverses a trick when the trick is still in progress. In this video, you could see that the Thumb-Tap is interrupted abruptly with the Counter-move initiated by the thumb.

Advanced Pen Spinning Tricks & Combos

Infinity Variation

Pen Spinning: Infinity is one of the more popular tricks

Reverse BackAround

This is a difficult pen spinning trick.

Pen Spinning Combo

Mini Combo

Harmonic Combos

Pen Spinning Harmonic Combos

Backaround Counter

Continuous ThumbSpin 1.5

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